It has been 20 years, and other assorted thoughts
March 17, 2015As of last Saturday, I’ve been with Karen for 20 years, and we’ve been married for 10 of those years.It sounds like a pretty long time, but an old friend once reminded me just before I got married, it’s not that long when one is planning for a lifetime together. And he’s right. So here’s the obligatory photo of my lovely wife, taken last year.
Random thought 1: An art nude photo that got (I assume) some bored teenager all angsty over at Google+ is now my most popular Tumblr post with 115 notes. I now have a mild inkling of an idea how the photographers feel when their work is blogged by MPD. Also, thanks Roarie :) The photo probably got that many notes because of you.
Random thought 2: I love photos, and I love competition (just ask my friends). However, “photo competition” makes no sense to me. Photography is one of the few things where I don’t feel the need to compete simply because it shouldn’t feel like it to me. I intend to keep it that way.
Random thought 3: I’d really love to work with a local full-time model and shoot art nudes, and there are quite a few reasons for it. I wonder if that’ll change any time soon, but I’m not counting on it. If anyone knows anyone, let me know, eh?
Random thought 4: This Instax thing is more fun than I thought.
Random thought 5: “Instead of bashing what you hate, promote what you love.” That’s something I need to constantly remind myself of. Especially when a sense of aesthetics seem to completely elude most people.
Random thought 6: Geez, I’m really judgmental. Must be the age.
I’ll end on a happy note, for me at least.